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“For too much of my life
I’ve apologized

Release the old energy and realign to your purpose...

Remote Healing​

45 - 60 mins - $72


Gillian will connect to your Higher Self and The Divine to identify where in your body and psyche may be holding emotional, energetic and physical blockages. Gillian will then clear, realign and balance your energies and chakras. The intention is to bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit.​

Feather 6

First Things First

  • Schedule an appointment

  • Make your payment via; etransfer or PayPal


The Process

  • ​During your 45 minute session, you find somewhere you can lay down and not be disturbed for the duration of your healing.  Tune in to the energies and receive.

  • I will connect with your energy weave some magick.

  • Once your session is complete, I will leave you a voice message or in-person phone call (15 minutes) and email you the information I received.

Feather 6

Price $72


Via Etransfer: Please send $72 to


Via Paypal:  Please click here to pay via Paypal (

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