Circle Guidelines
A Safe Space Is A Sacred Space
Guidelines for Coming to Circle
We begin promptly, so please arrive on time. We do not want to disrupt the circle once it begins.
Feel free to bring something to put on the group altar to be charged. (you will be bringing it home.)​
Come comfy.​​ We will be on the floor (meditation chairs), there are extra pillows and blankets for you.
Guidelines for Participating while Circle is in Progress
No side conversations, when in ritual. Save chit-chat for after the circle is complete.
Phones on airplane mode please.
Speak only for yourself - use “I” messages.
Share what is comfortable. Do not pressure others to share.
Feel free to pass.
Do not give advice.
Tell your own story.
Be open-minded and nonjudgmental. Meet others where they are at, not where you think they should be.
Wait until the person speaking has finished before you speak.
Keep personal stories confidential and close to your heart. What happens in circle stays in circle.
Please respect different ways of healing and all feelings are valid.
Come with an open hearted curiosity. I'm excited to share magick with you! 💛